Live From Christ
To live from Christ is to allow the life of
To live from Christ is to allow the life of
I grew up thinking that repentance was a one-time thing
Do you remember the person you used to be before
“Intercession is that inner action within the divine Trinity whereby
“You cannot separate the tears of the Son from the
“In the great Suffering Servant passage (Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12)
The Father loved us so much He would not abandon
Jesus “became the God-man, not for a mere 33 and
“Many of us have seen what are called Russian nesting
He is our Great High Priest, able forever to intercede
Life is difficult, but God is praying for you! The
“We are called to pray with the Spirit as the
“If the Trinity is what the church says it is,
If the Son (Romans 8:34) and the Spirit (Romans 8:26–27)
Beginning this Ash Wednesday let’s talk about praying with the