If the Son (Romans 8:34) and the Spirit (Romans 8:26–27) pray to the Father for us, then God is talking to Himself about us.  “The God who prays invites us to be His prayer partners.  This will change how we pray. Our praying God is calling us to a life of prayer; it is the strongest invitation that I can imagine.  The God who has conspired to pray for humankind is inviting us to be His co-conspirators.  This is more than merely asking God to do things.  This is really about a partnership with God in prayer.  It is learning to pray the way He prays.  It is learning to change the way I pray because He prays.”  From “The Self-Talk of God”, by H. Lamar Smith.

“Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Romans 8:34 ESV)