Kindle Edition

The Disciples And The Teacher

Kindle Edition
The book has 366 short devotionals which may be read as daily devotionals or as a springboard for meditation. You can read them in about a minute and think about … More

In The Steps of the Shepherd

Kindle Edition
This book contains 366 practical and spiritual thoughts which may be used as a part of your daily devotionals or as touchstones for meditation … More

Staying On The Way

Kindle Edition
This book contains 366 daily devotionals. They are written out of the devotional life of a seasoned pastor. They are designed to be short and to the point … More

Seasons For Deepening The Soul

Kindle Edition
These devotional thoughts start on Ash Wednesday and end three weeks after Pentecost. There are 118 days outlined with 134 readings. You…More

The Masters Table

The Master’s Table

Kindle Edition
The Master’s Table is a daily devotional book containing 366 short thoughts as a means of spiritual nourishment for your journey with our Lord. These…More

Spring in Dry Places

Spring In Dry Places

Kindle Edition
Springs In Dry Places is a book of daily devotionals designed to be short and to the point. They can be read in about a minute, but offer food for thought…More

Captives of Love

Captives Of Love

Kindle Edition
Captives of Love is a book of daily devotional readings that are written with the intention that they be short and to the point. You can read each of…More

Build on the Rock

Build On The Rock

Kindle Edition
A daily devotional book. Each devotional is short and can be read in about a minute. They are designed to speak to daily needs of life, stimulate the…More

Growing Toward Maturity

Growing Toward Maturity

Kindle Edition
This is a book of daily spiritual devotions, meant to be short and to the point. Each can be read in about a minute and hopefully will…More

Growing Toward Maturity

Edificados na rocha

Kindle Português
Este é um livro de devocionais diárias. E elas são tão pequenas podem ser lidas num minuto. Cada uma delas foi escrita para tratar das necessidades que temos diariam …More


Sonlight for the Soul

Kindle Edition
Sonlight for the Soul contains 366 daily devotional thoughts to be used in your personal spiritual walk. They are deliberately short and compact for the busy reader. You can read them…More


The Self-Talk of God

Kindle Edition
This book is about the inspiration of knowing a God who prays and weeps, a God who is on your side and is for you. The God who is Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, has …More

Paperback Edition

In The Steps Of The Shepherd

In The Steps Of The Shepherd

Paperback Edition
The 366 devotionals contained here are written with the intention that they be short and to the point. It is my hope that they will be a spring-board of meaning throughout…More

The Disciples and The Teacher

The Disciples and The Teacher

Paperback Edition
These devotional thoughts cover different aspects of Christian truth, intended to stimulate thought, meditation, and inspire deeper commitment for disciples…More

Staying On The Way

Staying On The Way

Paperback Edition
This book contains 366 daily devotionals, written out of the devotional life of a seasoned pastor. They are designed to be short and to the point. You can read each of them in about a minute…More

Springs In Dry Places

Springs In Dry Places

Paperback Edition
Springs In Dry Places is a book of daily devotionals designed to be short and to the point. They can be read in about a minute, but offer food for thought throughout the day. They are written by….More

Captives of Love

Captives Of Love

Paperback Edition
Springs In Dry Places is a book of daily devotionals designed to be short and to the point. They can be read in about a minute, but offer food for thought throughout your day. They are ….More

The Masters Table

The Master’s Table

Paperback Edition
The Master’s Table is a daily devotional book containing 366 short thoughts as a means of spiritual nourishment for your journey with our Lord. These thoughts….More

Build on the Rock

Build On The Rock

Paperback Edition
A daily devotional book. Each devotional is short and can be read in about a minute. They are designed to speak to daily needs of life, stimulate the mind with biblical truth and…..More

Growing Toward Maturity

Growing Toward Maturity

Paperback Edition
This is a book of daily spiritual devotions, meant to be short and to the point. Each can be read in about a minute and hopefully will…More

Growing Toward Maturity

Edificados na rocha

Livro de bolso em Português
Este é um livro de devocionais diárias. E elas são tão pequenas podem ser lidas num minuto. Cada uma delas foi escrita para tratar das necessida…More


Sonlight for the Soul

Paperback Edition
Sonlight for the Soul contains 366 daily devotional thoughts to be used in your personal spiritual walk. They are deliberately short and compact for the busy reader. You can read them…More


The Self-Talk of God

Paperback Edition
This book is about the inspiration of knowing a God who prays and weeps, a God who is on your side and is for you. The God who is Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, has …More

Latest Post

The Isaiah Fast (Day 20)

March 23, 2025|0 Comments

To suggest that you are either for evangelism or justice is a false choice; to attach conservative to one and liberal to the other is irrational.  The cure for this false choice is to ponder

The Isaiah Fast (Day 19)

March 22, 2025|0 Comments

One day we will stand before the healing-compassionate Jesus, the One who “Went about doing good”, to be judged by what we have actually done living out the content of the Isaiah fast.  For, you

The King And The Isaiah Fast (Day 18)

March 21, 2025|0 Comments

The king was seen as a shepherd by the prophets; read Ezekiel 34 and Jeremiah 23:1-5.    Heads of state were to see after the weak, the hurting, and those unjustly treated.  Israel’s kings had

The Isaiah Fast (Day 17)

March 20, 2025|0 Comments

Hear Micah’s echo of the Isaiah fast in these words, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and

About us

H. Lamar Smith has served as senior pastor for 46 years, having pastored in Tennessee, Kentucky, Oklahoma and Alabama. Trevecca Nazarene University is his Alma Mater from which he received both the B.A. and M.A. degrees.

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