The Father loved us so much He would not abandon us.  Yes, we had disgraced the family name by our rebellion, yet, He refused to disown His own creatures though they were fallen willfully.  His love would not let us go.

The law said, “Let them go.”

Justice said, “Let them go.”

Reason said, “Let them go.”

Satan said, “Let them go, so I can get them.”

Love said, “I can’t let them go without trying.”

Grace said to love, “I will go with you to them, to help you bring them back.  Together we will try to persuade them to come back to the Father’s house.”  

Grace and Love are still drawing you and me by the Holy Spirit.

He could not, would not, and did not walk away from us in our fallenness.

He loved us so much that He truly became one of us:

-To come to were we are.

-To love us in spite of what we had become.

-To claim us, when anyone else would have denied us.

-To claim us as His own unashamedly. 

-To lift us to the fullness of divine embrace.

(From “The Self-Talk of God” by H. Lamar Smith)