I grew up thinking that repentance was a one-time thing necessary to be born again.  I now believe that repentance has to be a way of life.  There are always turnings and mid-course adjustments as we come to know ourselves, as we come to see ourselves exposed in the Word of God, and as we see ourselves convicted by the Spirit of God.  My heart breaks when I see patterns in my life that have been so unlike the Man Jesus.  I see traits that still need to be purged.  I see more places in my soul that need repentance than ever I saw before.  

Spirit of God, expose me, heal me, rescue me.  Reduce me that You may be all in all.  I really want you to be the Lord of all the hidden places in my heart.  Purge me with Your Fire!

{From “Sonlight for the Soul”, by H. Lamar Smith)