Christ Preached in Hades (2)
The Bible says that Jesus preached in Hell (i.e. Hades).
The Bible says that Jesus preached in Hell (i.e. Hades).
About the series: Some of this is new ground for
We do not fall into sanctification by passivity, or casually
Jesus’ gentleness and kindness are not indicators of weakness. He
We are all broken, living among the broken. We need
Baptism is the universal act of induction into the Christian
Elisha’s servant saw that he and the prophet were surrounded
When we have a practice or habit that we are
The death of Jesus was a clash with the empire.
Anger is a normal human emotion, but this normal emotion
Through Christ sinners are becoming grace-shaped masterpieces. You did nothing
Jesus is on a mission of uniting Heaven and earth.
In the song, “Under The Atoning Blood,” there is a
John the Baptist said of Jesus’ baptism, "I saw the
I am one in whom Christ dwells; I am thus