About the series:  Some of this is new ground for us, but it was not for the early church.  I have tried to be true to the Scriptures and what is implied in them.  I will not be able to answer all your questions, nor even my own.  I only ask you to take all of these devotionals as a whole.  I believe is more than academic and theologically, the revelation of Christ descending into Hades, and preaching the gospel there is worthy material for devotional thoughts and meditation. 

Christ Descended to and Preached in Hades (1)

“He was crucified, dead and buried.  He descended into hell” (Apostles’ Creed).  The later versions of the creed say “He descended into Hades”.  Hades is the realm of the dead,  In the OT it is Sheol.  It was the place people went when they died.  Well, Jesus went there at the moment of His death, according to the creeds and holy scripture.  He went there to defeat death and the devil.  Though He was crucified with spikes in His hand, He descended into Hades to drive a different kind of spike into Death and the Devil.  Jesus won, and these two great enemies are now defeated.