Joseph’s Season of Lent
Joseph was the beloved son of Jacob’s cherished wife, Rachel.
Joseph was the beloved son of Jacob’s cherished wife, Rachel.
Suffering is not easy. It does help if we learn
It is possible for children to be abused by luxury,
Some of the things we have gone through were so
Innocent boy babies were wiped out of Bethlehem by Herod’s
Jesus Messiah was Isaiah’s Suffering Servant. He who embodied Israel
Paul was a great persecutor of the church. He said
The seventy were commissioned to go out and announce the
All the sin in the whole world was funneled into
Becoming a Christian does not solve all of our problems.
Christ died once for all. He shed his blood for
In this world you will have trouble. “Life is difficult”
When believers die they go into the presence of Christ
He is dead. Unbelievable. He is in the tomb. His
Good Friday’s cross is why I believe in the God