Mary as God-Bearer
Emmanuel, God with us, entered our world through Mary’s body.
Emmanuel, God with us, entered our world through Mary’s body.
“Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it
We are fond of saying that Jesus is the “only
One of the great Christmas traditions is the giving of
Jesus had been cruelly murdered. “Mary was standing outside the
Spiritual progress is a series of “Yeses” to the Lord.
The Messiah, the anointed One, was the promised Son of
Everything in creation is made by Him and for Him.
After the angels leave with this great word from the
Mary received an amazing announcement from the angel Gabriel. Mary
An act of obedience brought healing to Naaman the Leper
How could Jesus be David’s son and yet David’s Lord?
Spiritual progress is a series of “Yeses” to the Lord.
When the Lord has a job to do He goes
The Eternal Word descended from Heaven as the Son of