When the Lord has a job to do He goes looking for a person.  He found a righteous man in Noah.  He found a walking partner in a man named Enoch.  He found an Abraham and sent him out of a land of many gods, to take Him on a journey where He could reveal Himself as One.  With him, He established a covenant.  He went looking for the shepherd Moses to liberate the oppressed covenant people.  He went calling in the temple in the middle of the night to select a boy named Samuel.  He found Him a king in David, and chose to be one of his descendants.  He looked for a watchman and could not find one.  He found a godly couple to parent John the Baptizer.  He found a willing Mary and Joseph to give earthly nurture to His Son.  He decided on a woman to be the first evangel of the Resurrection, looking past 11 men.  He went looking for a preacher to the Gentiles and found him in the unlikely persecutor named Saul.  There are thousands more that He found to work with Him throughout biblical history.  God is still looking, and calling.  He is looking for you to be His willing servant.  He can do more through you than you ever dreamed.  Heed the call.  Be His walking partner also.

“God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” Psalm 53:2 (ESV)