Deeper! Deeper!
We may have become a generation of Christians who are
We may have become a generation of Christians who are
It is easier to talk about prayer than to pray.
God is a complex Being. He is in a category
Let me tell you about my Father. He is the
We cannot fix that which God alone can fix. We
We erroneously think that we can arrive at wisdom apart
The Great Commandment is really a call to get rid
Sometimes you can be at a place in your life
Happiness is so elusive to many people who don’t seem
Repentance and salvation are joined. “For godly grief produces a
Christ spent much time with sinners. He came on a
Christ is in our midst to guide our asking and
The gathering of Christians to worship can and should be
David said, “I will dwell in the house of the
We want to run without crawling and walking. We want