Happiness is so elusive to many people who don’t seem to have clue as to why.  Failure to forgive is the thief of happiness and joy.  Its cousin, resentment, does its mischief.  Pride and arrogance are malignant to the soul.  Cutting sarcasm is acid to one’s own spirit.  Forbidden fruit promises happiness but brings shame.  Material things portend happiness but can’t deliver.  Pleasure pretends to be it.  The positive ingredients of happiness are rejoicing in the Lord, complete trust, obedience, humility, purity, absolute surrender, the pursuit of holiness and loving God and actually loving your fellow humans.

Father, Your commandments are not grievous.  You have given us the path to joy in Your Word.  You have taught us that the secret of joy is loving You and serving our neighbor.  Holy Spirit, warn us of the detours to this path. Amen!