Let me tell you about my Father.  He is the Architect of the universe.  He hung the stars.  He gave us the sun by day and the moon by night.  He is the Creator of all there is.  He is the One who called Abraham.  He is the “I am” revealed to Moses.  He is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He knows what I need before I ask.  He hears private prayers that He answers openly.  He promotes.  He rewards.  He cares.  He listens.  He speaks.  He gives good things.  He gives His Spirit.  He sees sparrows.  He watches out for the orphans, widows and the poor.  He sees me.  He is in Heaven.  He is as near as His Spirit.  He forgives trespasses.  He wants to give us the Kingdom.  He has pity on His children.  He is holy.  He is love.  He is not against us; He is for us.  He is patient, longsuffering and kind.  He welcomes the prodigal son and entreats the older son to join the party.  He is not willing that any perish.  He makes the sun to rise.  He holds the world in the palm of His hand.  He sends sunshine and rain on the just and the unjust.  He hangs the rainbow.  He paints the sunset. He lifts the lowly.  He brings down the mighty.  He is higher than the heavens and nearer than the breath we breathe.  He dwells with the lowly and contrite.  He draws near to those who draw near to Him.  His love is deeper than the sea.  His kindness is higher than the sky.  The transcendent One is immanent.  “His mercy is everlasting.  His truth endures through all generations.”