The NT tells us that we currently reign with Christ.
The NT tells us that we currently reign with Christ.
We cannot truly get our relationships with our fellow humans
There is a deception that precedes sin and a deception
Solomon did not ask for “riches, possessions, and honor”, instead
We are often given to making our walk with God
The past has a way of intruding into our present.
What has this year taught you? Patience! Endurance! Fortitude! Did
The coming of the wise men to worship Jesus conceals
Give to those who cannot repay you. Parties are thrown
One of the great Christmas traditions is the giving of
About 1700 years ago there was a pastor name Arius
We have often tried to capture some beautiful scene with
The old covenant was lacking until Jesus came. Its words
The eternal Word was with God and was God. The
Israel’s temple was the place that heaven and earth met.