
28February 2023

Always Interceding

By |February 28, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Intercession, Prayer, Sin, Spirit, Temptations|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Always Interceding

He is our Great High Priest, able forever to intercede for us.  He knows our limitations. He was tempted like we are tempted. He was hurt like we hurt. He was forsaken, mistreated, lied about, and rejected. He has pity on us. He stoops to our weakness because He lived His life in weakness.

27February 2023

Jesus Priestly Intercession

By |February 27, 2023|Categories: Atonement, Christ, Devotionals, Father, Incarnation, Intercession, Mercy, Resurrection, Salvation|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Jesus Priestly Intercession

Jesus exalted to the right hand of the Father is for His Priestly intercession for us. “This is atonement.  Atonement means at-one-ment.  Atonement restricted only to the cross always leads us astray with inadequate plans of salvation.  The atonement starts in the incarnation, and includes: the life He lived, the death He died, the

26February 2023

Life Can Be Hard

By |February 26, 2023|Categories: Christ, Cross, Death, Devotionals, Father, Heart, Intercession, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Spirit, Trinity|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Life Can Be Hard

Life is difficult, but God is praying for you! The overcoming Christ is praying for you to overcome. He is committing Himself to your success and is praying against your failure. He is for you.  He is not against you. He died on a cross and descended into death for you. He ascended and

25February 2023

Our Work — His Work

By |February 25, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Grace, Heart, Intercession, Love, Prayer|Tags: , |Comments Off on Our Work — His Work

We sometimes want God to do the work in the world that He has asked us to do.  We question why He doesn’t act when He could rightfully question why we don’t act.   Our prayers should align us with the God who is already at work in the world and in the lives

24February 2023

Praying with the Spirit

By |February 24, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, God's Will, Intercession, Prayer, Spirit|Tags: , |Comments Off on Praying with the Spirit

“We are called to pray with the Spirit as the Spirit prays through us.  Pray until you hear the Spirit praying through you.  This is hearing from Heaven. This is praying WITH the Spirit. This is praying IN the Spirit. Let your spirit be tuned to the Holy Spirit.  Travel around with the Spirit

23February 2023

Interceding for You

By |February 23, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Father, Repentance, Spirit, Trials|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Interceding for You

“If the Trinity is what the church says it is, then the intercession of the Son and the Spirit is no less than the “Self-talk of God”.  These are intimate conversations with the divine desire for the good of all mankind, the desire that none perish, but all come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). 

21February 2023

The Father Hears Prayer

By |February 21, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Father, Grace, Intercession, Prayer, Spirit, Trinity|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Father Hears Prayer

Beginning this Ash Wednesday let’s talk about praying with the Spirit and the Son. More is happening when we pray than we know or even can imagine.  Our prayers are mixed with the prayers of Heaven.  The Son intercedes for us at Abba’s right hand.  The intercession of the Spirit works in us to

19February 2023

Sin and Sickness

By |February 19, 2023|Categories: Christ, Confession, Devotionals, Healing, Sin|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Sin and Sickness

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six

18February 2023

Suffering, Sickness and Prayer

By |February 18, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Faith, Healing, Praise, Prayer, Suffering|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Suffering, Sickness and Prayer

“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer of faith will save the one

16February 2023

Suffering and Patience

By |February 16, 2023|Categories: Compassion, Devotionals, Formation, Growth, Mercy, Patience, Suffering|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Suffering and Patience

We want suffering to be over as soon as possible; most of the time, it does not happen that way.  As with long races, we must find a pace to finish it.  This requires patience; this patience expresses itself as steadfastness.  In the common vernacular this is, “hang in there” and “keep on keeping

14February 2023

The God Who Prays

By |February 14, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Father, Incarnation, Prayer, Spirit, Trinity|Tags: , |Comments Off on The God Who Prays

We are accustomed to saying, “Jesus is interceding for us”; we also say, “The Spirit is praying for us”.  The implications of what that means may escape us.  We must let its truth grip us.  We are not accustomed to saying, “God is praying for us”; it sounds too shocking.  But, in fact, that

13February 2023

Needed Rain

By |February 13, 2023|Categories: Christ, Christ Coming, Devotionals, Formation, Growth, Patience|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Needed Rain

A farmer who plants seeds knows that there needs to be at least two seasons of rain.  The first is following germination for starting growth and the other is the rain prior to final harvest that yields maximum fruit; both are needed.  The Lord comes to receive the harvest and rejoice in our growth. 

12February 2023

The Abusive Rich

By |February 12, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Formation, Growth, Justice, Righteousness|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on The Abusive Rich

James, in the great tradition of the OT prophets, cries out against the rich who abuse the poor.  These use the power of their position and money to rob the poor.  They do not pay a living wage.  The prophets have always cried out against those at the top who syphon all wealth off

11February 2023

The Right Thing

By |February 11, 2023|Categories: Choices, Compassion, Devotionals, Mercy, Prayer, Sin|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Right Thing

Sin is more than a willful action against the commands of God; it is also neglecting what God requires.  The word of God is to train us in what is good; it trains us in deeds of mercy and acts of compassion.  It shows us right from wrong.   There is a right thing

9February 2023

Steps to Drawing Near

By |February 9, 2023|Categories: Communion, Confession, Devotionals, Heart, Humility, Purify, Repentance, Sin, Surrender|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Steps to Drawing Near

Submit your total being to your Father.  Resist the devil. There are forces at work in the world that are totally against your nearness to God; resist these forces.  Draw near by cleansing your hands of any sinful act.  Examine your heart and purify your divided heart so that it has one single mind

7February 2023

Married to God

By |February 7, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Fellowship, Love, Spirit|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Married to God

The Father, Son, and Spirit function exists in a community of agape love.  Each yearns for the other.  The Father has poured out His Spirit in our hearts through His Son, the same Spirit with Whom He is in communion.  He has placed His Spirit in us to invite us into His community for

5February 2023

Wisdom with Meekness

By |February 5, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Gentleness, Hospitality, Mercy, Righteousness, Truth, Wisdom|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Wisdom with Meekness

If you have wisdom to share, speak it with meekness.  If you have in your fountain, to use James’ metaphor, “bitter jealousy and selfish ambition” you cannot be faithful to the truth.  In fact, that kind speech may become demonic. We must learn to discern it when we hear it. True wisdom has its

4February 2023

The Tongue

By |February 4, 2023|Categories: Blessing, Devotionals, Discipline, Self-control, Spirit|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on The Tongue

Folks who use their tongue to praise God on Sunday can use it to hurt people on Monday.  James sees the tongue as a “restless evil” and a fountain that springs drinkable and undrinkable water.  It is seen as a vine that produces unexpected fruit.  It blesses and curses.  It is a fire capable