Church Attendance
Attending church does not have the priority with many believers
Attending church does not have the priority with many believers
Because we are made like no one else, we can
If you want to know God better, walk in obedience
The ancient tabernacle was built after a heavenly pattern (Hebrews
Worship can degenerate into entertainment. Entertainment is about the people
The kingdom is here and it will come. When
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the
It is easier to talk about prayer than to pray.
Worship does not begin when the congregants enter the sanctuary.
We erroneously think that we can arrive at wisdom apart
The Great Commandment is really a call to get rid
Paul’s alternative to being drunk with wine is “Singing psalms
The gathering of Christians to worship can and should be
We become like what we worship. Worship is that object
“When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal