Worship can degenerate into entertainment.  Entertainment is about the people as the audience.  Worship is about God being the audience.  One is “me” centered and the other is “God” centered.  Blessed is the congregation whose worship is centered in God.  We add lights, sounds and props so we can create mood and atmosphere that competes with the entertainment industry.  The Spirit of God is not a mood; He creates His own Atmosphere!  Quite your heart.  Listen to His word being read!  Be silent before Him!  Center in Him!  Bow before Him!  Praise Him!  This kind of worship is light years ahead of entertainment.

Father, we are your congregants gathered around you for worship.  Forgive us when we center in other things and not You.  May we examine our own hearts so that we are worshiping you in Spirit and truth.  Amen.