Some of us have a built-in restlessness with which we
Some of us have a built-in restlessness with which we
We live in a broken world; we too are broken.
Those “born from above” live the Golden Rule. They are
Why do we spend more than we earn? Why do
We tend to think mostly of becoming mature in regard
We all are marked by the genetics of our ancestors.
God is a complex Being. He is in a category
We cannot fix that which God alone can fix. We
“My Grace is enough for you” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul
Whenever suffering enters the life of one we love, then
“His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 100:5b). God loves us
Life has a way of testing our strength and challenging
In the hymn, “Come Thou Fount” there is a phrase
That’s right, don’t stone heretics. None of us have perfect
I am so grateful for all of the good people,