Patient for Growth
When I review the history of how my own views
When I review the history of how my own views
We need to learn that grumbling and complaining are no
Our purpose in life is to give, receive, and experience
Live in harmony with the created order. Your body and
We want suffering to be over as soon as possible;
We make a phone call and forget to hang up
A farmer who plants seeds knows that there needs to
Time is bent toward repentance. Every day is a second
Patience is more than something we generate; it something
These things are mutually exclusive: Worshiping God and worshiping idols,
Nothing shows us how far we need to go more
Time is bent toward repentance. Every day is a second
Having put to death and put off our old manner
We all sail on an ocean of Love. It is
Being patient is an expression of love. It requires that