We all sail on an ocean of Love.  It is a place of divine energy; love goes out from God, because He is Love.  To some, it is undetected.  To many, it is obvious.  Creation declares it. Christ demonstrated it.  It flows by human kindness and acts of compassion; it is detected from the hearts of those who truly care.  This love cannot stop because it flows from God.  It is everywhere He is. It is high.  It is broad.  It reaches the heights.  It goes to the depths.  It is consistent.  It pursues.  It welcomes.  It endures.  It suffers long. It bears patiently. It always hopes.  It is there when you can’t see it.  It is present when you might think it is not.  Listen for its sound.  Feel its waves.  Lift your sail.  Its destination is your Father.  

“Oh, Love of God, / how rich and pure. / How measureless and strong. / It shall forever more endure, / the saints and angels song.” (Frederick Lehman)

“Could we with ink the ocean fill, / And were the skies of parchment made, / Were every stalk on earth a quill. / And every man a scribe by trade. / To write the love of God above, / Would drain the ocean dry. / Nor could the scroll contain the whole /Though stretched from sky to sky.” -Rabbi Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, 1050 A.D.