Transformed Animals
Advent Glimpses of our Future The renewed earth will be
Advent Glimpses of our Future The renewed earth will be
Advent Glimpses of our Future Things have gotten broken in
It is not possible to be fully human without connection
There is nothing sadder than a soul closed in on
The inhumanity of humans to other humans cuts away not
The greatest story ever told is that God loves you.
So many things can remind us of our mortality, especially
We have heard it often at the grave of a
I was in a man’s place of business one day,
In Jewish thought the sea represented chaos. Before the creation
Every person is unique. It is a testimony to the
The Genesis creation story starts with an unformed earth covered
In a world of name calling, sectarianism, and petty differences,
The One God said, “Let us make human in our
Messiah came into the world as The Light to banish