The One God said, “Let us make human in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26a).  All of creation was made by the Us of Trinity.  God spoke while the Spirit hovered over the waters of creation.  The NT reminds us that the Word, who was with God and was God, participated in everything that was made.  The Us of creation is the Us of new creation.  By the Son and by the Spirit we are Born of the Father; we are made new creations in Him.  We now have fellowship with the Us of Trinity, our Creator;  THEY are at work now bringing new creation in you and your world, which will culminate with the return of our Lord.

Oh Father, as You shaped Adam as clay in Your hands, shape me like Your Son, by your Spirit.  We ask that as we tend Your good creation that we anticipate the day when You “make all things new”.  Amen!