Christ Preached in Hades (13)
Christ preached to Israel’s righteous, patriarchs, prophets and kings, and
Christ preached to Israel’s righteous, patriarchs, prophets and kings, and
He preached in Hades’ dungeon in order to release captives.
The reason there is preaching is that the Gospel is
People of all time, before and after Christ will be
Jesus contrasted His death and resurrection to Jonah in the
David saw Hades (Sheol) as a place of the presence
Throughout all time Hades has claimed its victims. But One
Immortality comes through Jesus and is not “automatic for everyone”
Christ Descended to and Preached in Hades (5) When Jesus
He descended into death, the place that all humans descend.
He descended to Hades in His Spirit even when His
The Bible says that Jesus preached in Hell (i.e. Hades).
About the series: Some of this is new ground for
We do not fall into sanctification by passivity, or casually
Jesus’ gentleness and kindness are not indicators of weakness. He