Kingdom Snapshots (2)
The Grinding Stone All the kingdoms of earth, all the
The Grinding Stone All the kingdoms of earth, all the
There are multiple kingdom snapshots in the Bible. I would
Inability to accept mystery causes us to project its meaning.
Own the life of Christ as your very own. How
“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot
The universe is created and sustained by the very energy
In my life I have gotten angry at the wrong
We are pretty good at taking care of the monuments
The scattering of the early disciples did not end the
Influence is a great trust; it is such a very
The light that shines on our path comes from the
“Do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ
Jonah got angry with God because he wanted God to
Through the ages Christians have held two passages of Scripture
If you have an ax to grind, then you will