Rehabilitation and Healing
The act of sin is an act of rebellion against
The act of sin is an act of rebellion against
Psalm 90 is breathtaking in its beauty. In it the
Naaman, the Syrian leper, found healing through a seven-fold baptism
We are learning that what we eat affects our health.
After the Exodus, a pool of bitter water was made
Israel's deliverance from bondage preceded the commandments. ”I am the
I was a slave, and He set me free. How
When Jesus became incarnate with us, He experienced the full
Without an internal compass, we can get off the road.
The dark times of our lives tend to frighten us,
We have come into a land that already had grapes
“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26). Dead faith won’t
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying
Paul said that we were to be “slaves of righteousness”.
Forbidden fruit is tasty. To partake is to be shaped