Naaman, the Syrian leper, found healing through a seven-fold baptism in the Jordan River (2 Kings 5:14).  Jesus became the healing waters for the man at the pool of Bethesda (Jn 5:8).  Our baptism into Jesus is a soul-healing plunge.  He is the Stream in which we are ever washed.  Jesus is the river Ezekiel saw flowing from the sanctuary (Eze 47:12).  He is the Stream that heals our diseased souls.  This Stream brings about wholeness and holiness.

Oh, the joy of sins forgiven!

Oh, the bliss the Blood-washed know!

Oh, the peace akin to heaven,

Where the healing waters flow!


Cleansed from every sin and stain,

Whiter than the driven snow,

Now I sing my sweet refrain,

Where the healing waters flow!


Where the healing waters flow!

Where the joys celestial glow,

Oh, there’s peace and rest and love,

Where the healing waters flow! – H. H. Heimar.