Mystery as Greater Reality
Mystery is not to enter an unreal world; God’s mystery
Mystery is not to enter an unreal world; God’s mystery
Never underestimate the story of God’s work in your life.
The beauty of creation is a gift of the Creator
We pass forgiveness on to others because the Lord in
Living sacrifice is about our sanctification. “Present yourselves to God
To be a living sacrifice is that we live counter
The ancient people worshiped God by animal sacrifices. Some of
Moses tended sheep for his father-in-law, Jethro, who was known
Everywhere we look there are power cords and charge cords
The idea of giving your life back to God that
Don’t strangle biblical stories with theological contortions about the story.
We oversimplify God so we can own Him, so we
The Father has desires and a vision for His children.
Creation was designed by a Mind greater than any mind
When the believer forgives another, it is an act of