Tears For The Wayward
David’s kingdom was being torn apart, and so was his
David’s kingdom was being torn apart, and so was his
Tears are a gift. Tears can express joy and happiness.
The Son was with God and was God. The Son
The person who most upsets you and your life may
We have sadly come to expect that if it is
When our trials are given to the Lord, they do
Your suffering is sanctified by His suffering. Your tears become
My wounds are connected to His wounds; my suffering is
In the end we will be judged by how much
Why we gather around the cross! It is the place
We keep trying to follow the Christ of a distant
Advent Glimpses of our Future We believe in the resurrection
Believers are called to live the Christ-life in the world
Jesus “learned obedience by the things that He suffered.” Never
If the God of heaven sits above all creation in