To Use or To Serve
We are in an age where people use other people
We are in an age where people use other people
When we are called out by the King to follow
“I did not come to be served but to serve”
David was a shepherd king. So was Jesus. The OT
We turn away from what our Shepherd turns toward. We
Maybe instead of looking at our assignments as duties and
We are not saved by good works, but we are
Macedonia was not where Paul had intended to go. He
Discover the gifts that God has given you and give
“I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than
We should live toward what we really believe. Belief must
In a time of video clips and sound bites, our
The world belongs to Jesus. He is its King. He
God made a choice to reach the Gentiles first through
Jeremiah complains against the man who lives for himself without