Fully Experiencing God (2)
God does not engineer the events of our lives, but
God does not engineer the events of our lives, but
Some religious groups promote a rigid submission to their adherents,
We may have become a generation of Christians who are
Putting ourselves in the place of those who have lived
The word abide is closely connected to the words house
The way believers are to act and react in every
God becoming human was the start of His being at-one
The Eternal Word descended from Heaven as the Son of
Jesus’ gentleness and kindness are not indicators of weakness. He
We find Jesus in the face of the poor and
Built into creation is dying and rising. We see it
People are more likely to be evangelized by what is
Why the intercession of Christ? It is certainly not because
The Son was with God and was God. The Son
We have all been comforted by Psalm 23. “The Lord