Something More
The order of salvation is justification and then sanctification. This
The order of salvation is justification and then sanctification. This
Heaven was at work with Jesus on earth. He was
The Holy Spirit comes primarily to reshape us in the
The disciples were under orders to wait for the Spirit.
People avoid discipline because it is not fun. Those who
I learned to drive a “straight shift” vehicle. To shift
Jesus ate with sinners because love eats with sinners. Self-righteousness
A revelation of the Suffering Servant. Self-emptying sacrifice. Self-surrender without
Jesus taught us to address God as Father in our
The beauty of Jesus in us is a part of
In the KJV of Psalm 29:2 and 96:9 we are
We love to quote 2 Peter 1:3–4 how the promises
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) There are three verses in Romans
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) It is interesting to see all
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) The church (the bride) is being