Reaffirming Surrender
In this Christian walk, we discover that some of the
In this Christian walk, we discover that some of the
To some degree, Christians are called to explore the heart
Whenever suffering enters the life of one we love, then
Our righteousness is what Christ did for us AND what
Synergy is defined as, “the interaction or cooperation of two
Truly listening to the Spirit who has come to live
The way believers are to act and react in every
The Spirit of God in us draws us to our
We do not fall into sanctification by passivity, osmosis or
When discipling another, don’t mold that person in your own
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
All the things Paul had thought to be valuable, he
Through Christ sinners are becoming grace-shaped masterpieces. You did nothing
When we have a practice or habit that we are
We are constantly changing, becoming and hopefully growing toward maturity.