Blind Spots
Good drivers watch their blindspot as well as being aware
Good drivers watch their blindspot as well as being aware
Life is so daily. Everyday does not fill us with
God’s love reaches out to all the world, whether they
I said, “No”; I should have said, “Yes”. Sometimes I
Our God is holy, but approachable. He is exalted, but
I bless You, O Heavenly Father! Who am I to
Abraham was God’s friend. Think about that! We claim Jesus
Joseph forgiving his brothers was a part of a larger
Holiness and its pursuit is never just between God and
The consequences of our behaviors seem to take us by
God draws us so that we might come near to
The One God said, “Let us make human in our
No member of the Trinity ever acts contrary to the
When we are caught up in this Trinitarian community of
It is the blood of Jesus, the Son in the