Influencers For Good
Some of us may want to fix things that can’t
Some of us may want to fix things that can’t
People are more likely to be evangelized by what is
Being two persons is not real. Being someone else is
We live in a world where so many people seem
God promised that all the earth would be blessed through
Our evangelism is often driven by getting people ready for
Worship is admiration in the presence of the Holy. It
Peter was sent in an amazing step-by-step way to preach
“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and
Jesus commissioned His followers to go and make disciples of
The birth announcement went out to shepherds. The religious elite
Come and eat. Come and drink. If you have no
The scattering of the early disciples did not end the
The 12 step program emphasizes making amends in step number
We keep looking for methods to take us further in