Was Jesus Liberal or Conservative?
Some would have said Jesus was liberal after He quoted
Some would have said Jesus was liberal after He quoted
Emptied of Rights and Privileges The One who was the
Own the life of Christ as your very own. How
These are those who have made a profession but have
God is love. God is Spirit. To have the Spirit
How did Jesus get through rejection, mockery, betrayal, and all
Life always has a cross in it. I believe in
By the Spirit we need to put to death anything
Following Jesus means that we move from a self-centered life
Being stretched out behind the stone was real for Jesus
The rebel’s cross. The Redeemer’s cross. The redeemed’s cross. Two
We waved our Palm branches with the throng of worshippers
Self-pity And Humility Self-pity is a false humility. The ego
The Cruciform Life Much of life comes to us shaped
The church gets lost when it ceases to truly follow