We waved our Palm branches with the throng of worshippers and shouted our hosannas.  We did not know what would hit us around the bend.  We thought life was just fine now that the Messiah had arrived.  We did not imagine suffering, death and a grave.  That’s the way life sometimes hits us.  Everything seems to be going well and a rock rips into our boat and we begin to take on water.  Some saw the cross and thought they had believed in vain.  It is not time to abandon Him now.  He had a plan that was even more astonishing than death and tombs.  He still does.

Lord, some two-thousand years ago, You revealed life itself in its blunt reality, how to face it, and how to overcome.  We will wait to see what you will bring out of all of this.  In the name of the Suffering Servant, we pray.  Amen!