Kingdom Snapshots (4)
The Global The Kingdom of God is beyond local, it
The Global The Kingdom of God is beyond local, it
“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot
Oh my precious Lord, where did you get these wounds?
Building community is an activity of the Kingdom of God
Missing Corporate Worship “My heart is breaking as I remember
In keeping with Isaiah’s fast, James wrote, “Pure and genuine
David foolishly ordered a census to assess the size of
The Western mind prizes the practical and efficient. We have
“You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by
Isaiah asked, “Who has understood the mind of the LORD,
The church gets lost when it ceases to truly follow
We have created an artificial world, one that simulates and
The message of the Kingdom of God has become a
Christians are being persecuted and killed by the thousands around
Jesus had a very wide healing ministry (Matthew 4:24, 9:35).