Neglected Repentance
I grew up thinking that repentance was a one-time thing
I grew up thinking that repentance was a one-time thing
We categorize our sins. We conveniently seek to hide our
Repentance means to turn around, do an about-face and go
Do you remember the person you used to be before
The history of a tree is told in large and
“Intercession is that inner action within the divine Trinity whereby
“Jesus ascension was an act of intercession. The scars in
“This we see in the “loud crying” or the KJV
“Go with me to the Mt. of Olives. There is
“The man on the street rejects believing in a God
The Revelation of God’s weeping comes to us in the
“You cannot separate the tears of the Son from the
“In the great Suffering Servant passage (Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12)
If Jesus was fully God and fully man, then the
"You shall make the robe of the ephod all of