Debt Of Gratitude
Every stream we ride flows in a channel prepared by
Every stream we ride flows in a channel prepared by
I am not sure that I know how to explain
Calling emotionalism the work of the Spirit is a detour
Christian humility does not seek advancement or recognition for itself,
There is no place for pride in God’s field. We
God is waiting on us to use the freedom He
“Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is
Paul’s problem with “sin that dwells in me” (Rom 7:20)
True devotion should have joy in it. There is nothing
In the wilderness, Israel was to gather manna everyday, except
Doing yesterday over is not possible, as much as we
Jesus was crucified outside of the city as a sign
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
Lord, give us eyes to see needs that glances never
Does your joy have glory in it? Is there something