No Going Back
“Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me
“Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me
Faith expresses itself by its works, what it does, how
You can’t build a life on what you are against.
Perception became depression for Elijah. He thought that the glory
I don’t like crosses. They are painful. Jesus also “endured
A new term is coming to the forefront to describe
Why do we spend more than we earn? Why do
Sin seen in relationship to the law is a transgression
Follow the Lamb? We prefer to follow a lion. Mr.
Make thanksgiving a way of life and not just an
The privileged have their own particular set of complaints that
Don’t run out of time before you die; die on
Some of the greatest shaping of my life has been
In our early Christian immaturity we thought that the will
There are some things that cannot be separated in the