Right Tools
Christians are called to use a different set of tools
Christians are called to use a different set of tools
”In all things I have shown you that by working
Evil was heaped on Jesus from every direction. While He
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
Israel was admonished to choose life over death and blessing
Do not live in fear of being under a curse.
What does it mean to pray for our enemies? It
Everything that brings you to genuine humility, everything that brings
When we allow fear, anxiety or worry to enter our
Christians are called to use a different set tools for
(5 days until Pentecost). “For I will pour out water
The Lord has promised to provide special care for those
Too many Christians think they have found a way to
In all of our works done for Christ and in
We work hard to accumulate. Paul taught takers to stop