
19April 2023


By |April 19, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Humility, Spirit, Teaching|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Teachable

Apollos was a Jew born in Alexandria, Egypt, a major cultural and intellectual center of the ancient world, second only to Rome.  It was one of the five major centers of early Christianity.  Apollos was an eloquent preacher with a large following of Christians who wanted to be identified with him.  He defended the

18April 2023

A Comprehensive Salvation

By |April 18, 2023|Categories: Atonement, Christ, Crucifixion, Devotionals, Incarnation, Intercession, Redemption, Resurrection, Salvation, Temptations|Tags: , , |Comments Off on A Comprehensive Salvation

We often attempt to narrow our salvation and the atonement to the cross and resurrection.  What we must understand is that everything that Christ was in His person and everything that He did was to accomplish our full rescue.  His incarnation, the life He lived, the teachings he gave us to follow, the temptations 

17April 2023

Constantly Changing

By |April 17, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Spirit, Spiritual Food, Truth|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Constantly Changing

Your skin, muscles, bones and brain are constantly changing.  This process of maintenance and rejuvenation requires physical exercise and nutritious foods if the change is going to be healthy.  Spiritually, we are constantly changing.  That change can be positive and progressive, if we are being nourished by Spirit and Truth.  We become what nourishes

16April 2023

I Picked Me

By |April 16, 2023|Categories: Christ, Cross, Devotionals, Self-denial|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I Picked Me

The forbidden fruit: Was it an apple?  A pear?  I heard of one man who speculated that it was a watermelon.  He said that it must have once grown on trees, but was cursed as was the serpent to crawl on his belly, hence it was a watermelon.  Of course, he was not serious. 

15April 2023

The Workings Of Grace

By |April 15, 2023|Categories: Christ, Christian, Church, Devotionals, Grace, Righteousness, Spirit|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Workings Of Grace

I heard Dr. A. B. Mackey, President of Trevecca Nazarene College, say, “Some people are sweeter by nature than others are by grace.”  We all laughed, because it was a true-to-life kind of statement.  We had seen non-professing Christians outside the church who were sweeter than some inside the church.  However, what we have

12April 2023

The Dead Oak

By |April 12, 2023|Categories: Christlikeness, Devotionals, Influence|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Dead Oak

The majestic oak was over 100 years old; now it was lying in a state of decay.  The forest ignored it as an eyesore.  Some said that its day was over for this old matriarch of trees.  Look further.  Within a mile of mamma oak, there were hundreds of descendants, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,

9April 2023

Dying and Rising

By |April 9, 2023|Categories: Christ, Crucifixion, Death, Devotionals, Hope, Redemption, Resurrection, Resurrection Day|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Dying and Rising

Built into creation is dying and rising.  We see it in Winter and Spring.  We see it in germinating seeds.  We see it in dormant flowers that spring to new life.  The Word came to live among us.  We did not expect Him to be so gruesomely murdered, but He was.  We mourned at

8April 2023

A Borrowed Tomb

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Christ, Death, Devotionals, Easter, Resurrection|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on A Borrowed Tomb

Jesus rode a borrowed donkey.  He borrowed an upper room for His disciples to eat the Passover.  At last, He was buried in a borrowed tomb.  Joseph of Arimathea freely gave his own burial place, expecting nothing in return, not knowing that he was merely lending it.  Jesus did not need it as a

6April 2023

The Smitten Crowd

By |April 6, 2023|Categories: Christ, Crucifixion, Devotionals, Justice, Power, Truth|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on The Smitten Crowd

When Jesus’ sordid crucifixion was over, even many in the crowds “returned home, beating their breasts.”  This action not only showed extreme horror, but also the understanding that something had gone terribly wrong.  When the great empire can crush its most innocent citizen, when ruthless power can kill the weak to make a statement,

5April 2023

Five Pieces of Cloth

By |April 5, 2023|Categories: Christ, Cross, Devotionals, Healing, Resurrection|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Five Pieces of Cloth

Clothing had value.  Four soldiers wanted it.  Each took one piece, and they gambled for the fifth (John 19:23-24).  At the end of the day, they took their booty with them.  What happened to those five pieces of cloth?  Were they kept and worn?  Were they sold at a profit?  Did their value change

4April 2023

Rolling The Dice

By |April 4, 2023|Categories: Christ, Cross, Devotionals, Surrender|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Rolling The Dice

Hanging on the cross Jesus was engaging the powers of death, evil and darkness.  In the words of N.T. Wright, this was “The Day The Revolution Began.”  While these earth shaking matters were going on above them, along with all of its pain and suffering, soldiers gambled for the garments of Jesus.  Each had

3April 2023

Forgiveness And Peacemaking

By |April 3, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Father, Forgiveness, Mercy, Peace, Reconciliation|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Forgiveness And Peacemaking

“Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.”  This word from Jesus is an amazing word.  By it, He is making peace with all humanity through forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the key component of peacemaking.  Without this, we cannot be reconciled to each other.  Giving forgiveness is one way we are like

1April 2023

Wrath To Donkey Riders

By |April 1, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Gentleness, Humility, Kingdom of God, Love|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Wrath To Donkey Riders

The empire is out to teach donkey riders a lesson.  All it takes is the bigger weaponry of chariots and horses.  But the God who hates war rode a donkey anyway.  Jesus came to “take away the war-horses from Jerusalem,” i.e., city of Shalom.  The world says, “You see where it got Him —

31March 2023

Riding A Donkey

By |March 31, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Kingdom of God, Palm Sunday|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Riding A Donkey

Chariots were the war tanks of the ancient world.  Every army coveted them.  They had a great advantage over the foot soldier.  Egypt had them in abundance, but they proved to be no advantage in God’s great rescue.  Solomon accumulated horses and chariots, trusted in them and destroyed Israel.  When God’s true King came,

29March 2023

The Unanswered “Why”

By |March 29, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Love, Trials, Trust|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Unanswered “Why”

Insisting on knowing “why” this or that happened can be a frustrating and peace-destroying cycle.  It is okay to ask the question and it is also okay not to get an answer.  The question of “why” is often asked of God.  Yet, there are other people’s choices that play hugely into the things that

28March 2023

Real Confession

By |March 28, 2023|Categories: Character, Confession, Devotionals, Holiness, Sin, Surrender, Truth|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Real Confession

Confession is knowing myself, and having taken a hard look, telling the truth about myself.  Few ever look deeply into their own heart with its ill motives and skewed intent.  They have been taught by themselves, or others, that it is a denial of holiness to talk about one’s own shortcomings, mistakes, and yes,

27March 2023

Shallow Confession

By |March 27, 2023|Categories: Confession, Devotionals, Heart, Humility|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Shallow Confession

There is nothing so worthless as a glib confession of sin.  It uses “I am a sinner” with no more meaning than “I am a human”.  These shallow confessions are often laced with a false humility; they can even be a cloak for self-righteousness.  This kind of confession has no desire to get on

26March 2023

Repenting of Emptiness

By |March 26, 2023|Categories: Attentiveness, Christ, Devotionals, Discipline, Knowledge, Repentance, Truth|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Repenting of Emptiness

So much of that with which we fill our minds leaves us more empty than when we started.  We nibble at the cotton candy of social media, while neglecting richer stores of knowledge that are all around us.  Never forget that the Great Commandment, according to Jesus, is to also love God with our