
8June 2023

Connecting the Dots

By |June 8, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Freedom, Hope, Life, Love, Mercy, Peace, Spirit, Wisdom|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Connecting the Dots

As children we would trace from dot to dot and then discover that we had created a picture.  Life is about connecting the dots.  It may take us a while to see the picture.  Connect the love of God with your own thought that you are unloveable. Connect the mercy of God with your

6June 2023

God Holds it all Together

By |June 6, 2023|Categories: Christ, Creation, Devotionals, Encouragement, Light, Love, New Creation|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on God Holds it all Together

God holds together what He created.  The universe does not fly apart because of God.  You are becoming His new creation.  You may think it is all going to fly apart; but the one who called you can keep you.  The One who loves you will see you through the darkness and bring you

5June 2023

The Intersection of the Cross

By |June 5, 2023|Categories: Cross, Crucifixion, Heart, Love, Redemption, Sorrow, Suffering|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Intersection of the Cross

Isaac Watts said of the cross “Did ere such love and sorrow meet…”. In Christ love and sorrow meet; yes, even yet, dwell together.  It was His great love that gave the birth to His great sorrow; it is the pain of loving.  It is the cross where divine love intersects with human misery. 

4June 2023

Christ before Jesus

By |June 4, 2023|Categories: Christ, Christlikeness, Creation, Devotionals, Evangelism, Salvation, Spirit|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Christ before Jesus

Before Jesus was born Christ was!  The Christ was present with God and was God: He made everything that is (John 1:1-5).  That same Christ became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth.  Yet, He was before creation, He was the instrument of creation and was active in it before He was present in it.  It

3June 2023

Healing the Broken

By |June 3, 2023|Categories: Christ, Confession, Devotionals, Divine Likeness, Freedom, Healing, Inner healing, Sin|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Healing the Broken

When we make sin normal we shut off the sick from healing and the broken from wholeness.  We acknowledge our sin by confession, not to make it the norm for others, but to bring about our own healing.  Jesus comes to us where we are; He grants His healing touch, but remember, He said,

2June 2023

Loving Like my Father

By |June 2, 2023|Categories: Christ, Christlikeness, Confession, Devotionals, Father, Formation, Growth, Love, Maturity, Spirit|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Loving Like my Father

To Love as He loves is the goal of our spiritual maturity.  His love does not delight in the demise of bad folks.  He hurts for the consequences of bad decisions.  He loves enough not to interfere with reaping what we sow; His own love is His inner pain, the source of His tears.

1June 2023

Un-rung Bells

By |June 1, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Gratitude, Prayer|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Un-rung Bells

Spiritual truth undiscovered and unexpressed is an un-rung bell.  So is gratitude for unnoticed folks and manifold gifts.  Neglected praise to our God for the blessings we missed.  Then there are testimonies not given, joys not expressed, prayers that were not prayed, songs that did not get sung, books that did not get written,

31May 2023

Limited Choices

By |May 31, 2023|Categories: Choices, Devotionals, Life|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Limited Choices

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could choose your own struggles?  You could just say no to unpleasant circumstances and problems getting ready to head your way.  Well, you did not choose your DNA, how you were nurtured or not nurtured, where you lived, your parents, your extended family, your teachers, the good ones

30May 2023

Being with the Lord

By |May 30, 2023|Categories: Christ, Communion, Devotionals, Joy, Prayer, Relationships, Solitude|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Being with the Lord

We say, “I have to pray more.” Prayer is more than a job to be done; it is a conversation to be had and a relationship to be cultivated.  The goal of prayer is to learn to delight in conversation with our Lord.  It is always a delight to have conversations with the ones

27May 2023

Attitude Is a Choice

By |May 27, 2023|Categories: Choices, Christ, Devotionals, Freedom, Grace|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Attitude Is a Choice

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances” (Viktor Frankl, “Man’s Search for Meaning).  Frankl learned this in a Nazi concentration camp. We want to think that our attitude is a mere reaction to what

26May 2023

Grumbling and Complaining

By |May 26, 2023|Categories: Devotionals, Grace, Love, Patience, Prayer|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Grumbling and Complaining

We need to learn that grumbling and complaining are no harmless pastimes.  It is so easy to find our undisciplined tongues listing the offenses of those around us.  Most of the time we do not stop to think about the things that we have done that are just as bad or worse than those

25May 2023

Salvation Heals

By |May 25, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Love, Sin|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Salvation Heals

Sin is more than lawbreaking that needs forgiveness; it is a sickness and brokenness that needs to be healed.  Salvation is more than deliverance from guilt; it is the healing of the soul.  Sin is a failure to love; when we do not love, it sickens our very being;  the sign of our recovery

24May 2023

Giving and Receiving Love

By |May 24, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Endurance, Forgiving, Humility, Love, Ministry, Patience, Relationships|Tags: , |Comments Off on Giving and Receiving Love

Our purpose in life is to give, receive, and experience love; we were created for no less than this.  This is a bundle to be held together, both the giving and receiving of it.  Some want only to perfect the receiving. They become narcissistic takers.  Some can give but are too proud to humbly

23May 2023

An Instrument of Christ’s Love

By |May 23, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Love, Ministry, Service, Spirit|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on An Instrument of Christ’s Love

We think we have to fully understand someone’s problems before we can act or help them.  The truth is, all the facets of their problems we probably cannot know.  We may try to draw conclusions about other people that end up being partial and incomplete.  God alone can discern, understand or evaluate all the

22May 2023

Surrender to the Cross

By |May 22, 2023|Categories: Christ, Cross, Devotionals, Self-denial, Surrender|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Surrender to the Cross

Dying to self is not an abstract spiritual experience.  It is what you do practically day by day in the circumstances and relationships of your life.  Even our spiritual experiences are tested and proven in these two arenas.  The call heard and answered is a call to be lived.  The surrender at His cross

20May 2023

Unrealistic Expectations

By |May 20, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Father, Prayer, Resurrection|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Unrealistic Expectations

Do not expect to have growth and maturity without discipline.  Self-discipline with the discipline of the Lord is necessary for the maturity of the Father’s children.  Do not expect to have the joy of the summit without the labor of the climb.  The steep grades of difficulty must be conquered.  Do not expect resurrection

18May 2023

The Greatness of the Creator

By |May 18, 2023|Categories: Creation, Devotionals, Praise, Worship|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Greatness of the Creator

Creation was designed by a Mind greater than any mind that will ever look at it, even greater than the sum total of all minds that have ever looked at it. We have not even begun to grasp how ‘great is our God’.  Be observant, for creation speaks of the matchless majesty of God. 

16May 2023

The Gates to Heaven are in Odd Places

By |May 16, 2023|Categories: Blessing, Devotionals|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The Gates to Heaven are in Odd Places

“Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it’" Genesis 28:16 (NASB).  Have you been there, thinking that you were alone, only to find out later that the Lord was there?  In your grief?  In your rejection?  In your loss?  In your

15May 2023

Regaining Strength

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Christ, Devotionals, Encouragement, Prayer|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Regaining Strength

“Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his presence continually” 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NRSV).  There are times when our strength fails, when it seems like we cannot go on.  It is in these times that we must remember that life is to be lived, not in our own strength, but with the strength that