To be present in the present is blessed contentment.  To despise who we are and where we are is a discontentment that will rob us of our life and its times. Our rejection of where we are and this present time is an overestimation of our own importance.  We may think we are too great for this little place and this present time.  But remember, the God of the universe was content to walk the dusty roads of Palestine.  Jesus emptied Himself of the great to come to the little; after all, He left Heaven to come to earth.  To be content in this present time and place is to be content with Him.  He is with us now and that is enough.

Lord, you meet all humans where they are.  Every small place is a window to Heaven; every isolated place is holy ground when You show up. Every isolated rock and lonely cave is a place to meet You.  Every street leads to Your Temple; every shack is a place You live.  Refresh my contentment, I pray.  May I say with Paul, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” (Philippians 4:11 ESV). Amen