God Is Good
“The Lord Is good” Psalm 100:5a. At the heart of
“The Lord Is good” Psalm 100:5a. At the heart of
Worship can degenerate into entertainment. Entertainment is about the people
Our Father is an encourager. He wants no one to
Those “born from above” live the Golden Rule. They are
Nicodemas thought Jesus meant “born again”; Jesus clarified that He
John Wimber, in “Spirit Song,” used the following words. “Oh,
Life can be mundane. The repetition of recurring tasks can
The legendary Rip Van Winkle slept through a revolution that
Life brings with it high times and low times. We
The God who paints the sunrise and sunsets has time
Grace involves all members of the Holy Trinity. We often
The Spirit calls us to holiness. He enables us in
We may have become a generation of Christians who are
We tend to think mostly of becoming mature in regard
It is easier to talk about prayer than to pray.