Creator And Savior
John said of the Word, “All things were made by
John said of the Word, “All things were made by
The act of receiving Jesus is a responsive act to
We are prone to reduce the new birth to what
Imagine yourself in Egypt. Picture yourself in slavery. It is
The word Jesus in the New Testament Greek is the
Joseph said to his brothers, “You meant it to me
Life is empty without Christ filling this present moment. It
John 3:16 is a believing that is more than a
Does your joy have glory in it? Is there something
Everything in creation is made by Him and for Him.
He preached in Hades’ dungeon in order to release captives.
David saw Hades (Sheol) as a place of the presence
In the song, “Under The Atoning Blood,” there is a
The story of Jesus Messiah is the greatest story ever
Our self-talk makes or breaks us. We have been told