The Fellowship Of Priests
Israel’s mission was to be a “kingdom of priests and
Israel’s mission was to be a “kingdom of priests and
"Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar,
In a world of name calling, sectarianism, and petty differences,
Jacob received a new life after his reconciliation with Esau.
Christ is at the heart of uniting the spiritual and
A Nation of Priests “You are a chosen people. You
The 12 step program emphasizes making amends in step number
Building community is an activity of the Kingdom of God
To follow Jesus is to follow the very Prince of
A Rebirth of Empathy Not feeling the pain of others
The Savior not only came to rescue and reconcile sinners,
There are divisions that are caused by Christ (Luke 12;
We were alienated from God, even hostile in mind, loving
Some religious groups promote a rigid submission to their adherents,
Jesus is on a mission of uniting Heaven and earth.