Hearing god Or Hearing God
Humankind have a way of hearing a god who is
Humankind have a way of hearing a god who is
The darker the night the brighter the stars. Night cannot
The God who paints the sunrise and sunsets has time
The God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth does not ask
You can kill with more than a gun. You can
God knew us at our worst moment and still loved
God is love. This is revealed by His actions. This
“I love you” can come from a heart that really
We all are marked by the genetics of our ancestors.
Give them grace, and see what God does. Let the
“Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with
Let me tell you about my Father. He is the
John Henry Sammis wrote this verse in the song, “Trust
The teachings of Jesus contain the greatest wisdom in the
Most of us think we need to do something great