The Great Pursuit
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) “Pursue peace with all men, and
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) “Pursue peace with all men, and
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) The Eastern Church saw spiritual formation
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) At His first advent He descended
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) “For David, after he had served
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) “Concerning His Son, who was born
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) The advent of Jesus was the
(Connecting Advent and Holiness) Paul saw his mission to ready
Connecting Advent and Holiness Our call to be holy is
Connecting Advent and Holiness I have been thinking about Advent’s
Deuteronomy 28 promised exile for idolatry. You would think that
Father, may Your light guide me. May Your holiness shape
Paul reminds us that people who assert that they know
Romans 6 begins with the reminder that when we come
The Holy Spirit is more than a guide in our
He makes the righteous (the justified ones) perfect (complete). This