Forgiveness and Letting Go
Letting go is a higher form of forgiveness; it is
Letting go is a higher form of forgiveness; it is
Life always has a cross in it. I believe in
We do not know ourselves nearly as well as we
It would be nice if all the people who have
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew
We may claim Jesus is the only way and yet
We pass forgiveness on to others because the Lord in
“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father
Without forgiving the offender, we are into self-justification and into
Jesus give us the way of forgiveness and how not
Forgiveness gives silence to our cry for justice, revenge and
Our purpose in life is to give, receive, and experience
When the believer forgives another, it is an act of
God is love. “Love does no keep a record of
Nothing shows us how far we need to go more